关于「 buterin」的内容列表

Vitalik Buterin向一地址转入90枚ETH

据 Arkham 监测,Vitalik Buterin 向 0x0BE72 开头地址转入 90 枚 ETH,约合 20 万美元。Vitalik Buterin 还于 3 月 1 日向 0x002Dc 开头地址转入 178.5 ETH(约合 40 万美元)。

2025-03-02 09:39:49
Vitalik Buterin:将继续研究新的以太坊基金会领导层结构,即将公布更多信息

Vitalik Buterin 在 X 平台发文称,Aya Miyaguchi 在一年前就提出从执行董事转任以太坊基金会主席的想法,在担任以太坊基金会执行董事的七年间,她取得了许多成就,也将在新的职位上继续以许多相同的方式支持以太坊基金会。 同时,Vitalik Buterin 表示正在继续研究新的以太坊基金会领导层结构,很快将会公布更多消息。

2025-02-25 16:36:18
Vitalik Buterin: Still very optimistic about Argentina's contribution and role in the cryptocurrency space

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, said in a social media post, "The Ethereum community in Argentina is full of amazing developers who have made many important software contributions to the Ethereum ecosystem. Argentina's current drive, building energy, and determination to use cryptocurrencies and other emerging technologies to build a prosperous 21st-century society are real. Recent news should not be seen as a reason to give up, but as an example of why education is so important. I stil...

2025-02-20 15:39:26
Vitalik Buterin:依然对阿根廷在加密货币领域的贡献和角色持非常乐观的态度

以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在社交媒体发文表示,“阿根廷的以太坊社区充满了出色的开发者,他们已经为以太坊生态系统做出了许多重要的软件贡献。 阿根廷当前的动力、建设能量以及利用加密货币和其他新兴技术打造繁荣的 21 世纪社会的决心是真实存在的。最近的新闻不应被视为放弃的理由,而应当作为一个教育为何如此重要的例子。 我依然...

2025-02-20 15:39:26
Vitalik: The Ethereum priority should be to improve interoperability between L2 and L2

Vitalik Buterin said at the AMA event that the Ethereum priority should be to improve interoperability between L2, because there are not too many Stakeholders, everyone has a common interest, so the process will be much simpler. Then it can be scaled up to do more cross-crypto interoperability, even from cryptocurrencies to fiat currencies.

2025-02-20 08:26:47

Vitalik Buterin在AMA活动中表示,以太坊优先事项应该是改进L2之间的互操作性,因为没有太多Stakeholders,每个人都有共同的利益,所以过程会简单很多。然后可以扩大,做更多跨加密互操作性,甚至是从加密货币到法定货币。

2025-02-20 08:26:47
Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum is not a commercial company. If it becomes a company, it will lose its meaning

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, answered the question "Do you think Ethereum needs more commercial management?" in the text AMA held on the Tako platform: "I think Ethereum is a decentralized ecosystem, not a company. If Ethereum becomes a company, we will lose most of the meaning of Ethereum's existence. In fact, the Ethereum ecosystem has many big companies: consensys, various client side teams (nethermind, nimbus, etc.), Coinbase, L2 team (including...

2025-02-19 16:41:39
Vitalik Buterin:以太坊不是一个商业化公司,如果以太坊变成公司将失去存在意义

以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 于在 Tako 平台举办的文字 AMA 中针对“是否认为以太坊需要更商业化的管理?”问题时回答称:“我觉得以太坊是去中心化生态,不是公司,如果以太坊变成公司,我们会失去大部分以太坊的存在意义。其实以太坊生态有好多大的公司:consensys、各个客户端团队(nethermind、nimbus 等等)、Coinbase、L2 团队(包括...

2025-02-19 16:41:39
Vitalik: There is currently no so-called "ETH 3.0"

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin wrote that there is currently no so-called "ETH 3.0". Although Justin Drake's five-year plan is often mistaken for ETH 3.0, the plan involves only the consensus layer, not the execution layer. Regarding the relationship between L1 and L2, Vitalik pointed out that there is currently a clear roadmap, including improving L1 performance (increasing gas limit, introducing verkle trees, etc.), enhancing cross-L2 interoperability, and optimizing blob space. Vitalik's...

2025-02-19 13:12:21
Vitalik:目前并不存在所谓的“ETH 3.0”

以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 发文表示,目前并不存在所谓的“ETH 3.0”。虽然 Justin Drake 提出的五年计划常被误认为是 ETH 3.0,但该计划仅涉及共识层(consensus layer),而非执行层(execution layer)。 关于 L1 和 L2 的关系,Vitalik 指出目前已有明确路线图,包括提升 L1 性能(提高 gas limit、引入 verkle 树等)、增强跨 L2 互操作性及优化 blob 空间。Vitalik 强...

2025-02-19 13:12:21
Vitalik: Ethereum L1 and L2 need to clearly define the scope of transactions

On February 19, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin responded to the question of "whether rollups are good for Ethereum in general or blood sucking, and whether ETH really needs these L2", saying that currently Ethereum adopts a hybrid L1 + L2 expansion scheme, but it is still necessary to clearly define the respective transaction scope of the L1 and L2 layers. Vitalik said that moving all transactions to L2 could weaken ETH's position as a medium of exchange and store of value, and that cross-L2 o...

2025-02-19 12:54:11
Vitalik:以太坊 L1 与 L2 需明确界定交易范畴

2月19日消息,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 回应“rollups 总体对以太坊是好事还是吸血、ETH 是否真的需要这些 L2”问题时表示,目前以太坊采用混合型 L1 + L2 扩容方案,但仍需明确界定 L1 和 L2 层各自的交易范畴。 Vitalik 表示,将所有交易转移至 L2 可能削弱 ETH 作为交换媒介和价值存储的地位,且跨 L2 操作仍需依赖 L1。同时,将所...

2025-02-19 12:54:11
Vitalik has held a seat on the Ethereum Foundation's three-person board since 2017

On February 19th, according to Vitalik Buterin's response, the claim that he holds 3/5 of the seats on the board of the Ethereum Foundation (EF) is not accurate. He clarified that since 2017, he only has one seat on the three-person board. The response was in response to Ameen Soleimani's discussion on social media that Vitalik's role in the Ethereum ecosystem is closer to "king" or "prophet", with a majority of voters believing that he prefers the latter.

2025-02-19 09:22:25

2月19日消息,据Vitalik Buterin回应,关于他在以太坊基金会(EF)董事会中占据3/5席位的说法并不准确。他澄清称,自2017年以来,他仅在三人董事会中拥有一个席位。这一回应是针对Ameen Soleimani在社交媒体上的讨论,即Vitalik在以太坊生态中的角色更接近“国王”还是“先知”,其中多数投票者认为他更倾向于后者。

2025-02-19 09:22:25

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